Song as one of the best medium to send message to the world.For the matter in fact, message on almost anything one can desire. Here,my group have chosen Michael Jackson's Black or White song. This energetic song by this famous singer surely brought upon the issue over equality among the Americans and the Black Americans.
The title of this song is rather interesting yet giving insight on what the song cou
ld be. The colour,black or white are two totally opposite colour. Therefore,this shows the opposite colour that do not attract to each other.The title gives a very unique say about equality,among the Blacks and Whites.In MJ's contexts,this inequality happened in the Unites States of America.
The lyrics in this song were rather meaningful.He repeats this phrase several times in the songs, 'It don't matter if You're Black or White'. this repetition of phrase is to shoe emphasis on the message that skin colour does not matter to him in any way. MJ uses the word 'I' to show his own dissatisfaction over this issue as he,himself was a victim once when he was
new to the music world. The discri
mination that fell into his life has brought to this fantastic song.
Other than that,the video of this song is simply well presented.It started of with energetic dances of the Red Indians, Thai, Moroccan and also traditional Indian dance,Odissi,while MJ sings and dances along with the dances.Later on the video, there would be two babies, a black and a white sitting on a globe and they seem close to each other.After that, the video starts showing some anger towards the issue by having fire effects and in the background,there were videos of war. Lastly,the video ended with many people of different background and skin colour singing the last bit of the song to show the many different types of people in the world
The title of this song is rather interesting yet giving insight on what the song cou

The lyrics in this song were rather meaningful.He repeats this phrase several times in the songs, 'It don't matter if You're Black or White'. this repetition of phrase is to shoe emphasis on the message that skin colour does not matter to him in any way. MJ uses the word 'I' to show his own dissatisfaction over this issue as he,himself was a victim once when he was